Want to know how I got here?

This is a blog that I wrote for the wonderful Romantic Novelists' Association website. They are a brilliant organisation that supports authors like me and no, it's not just because they made 'Bobby's War' Romantic Saga Novel of the Year in 2021. It was like a therapy session really, remembering the journey that has taken... Continue Reading →

Loneliness – A Modern Pandemic

I walked around a block of flats in Manchester at about 5pm yesterday and in every ground floor window, there was a young person with headphones on, staring at a computer. It was the saddest sight I had seen in a long time. There wasn’t one person laughing or joking, no-one heading to the kitchen to moan about the boss and no-one arranging a quick drink before heading home.

Romantic fiction love is not a ‘four- letter word’ – it is a feminist issue

As I publish 'Bridget's War'- my fourth novel inspired by amazing women in WW2, I, like many of my fellow authors, am at my wits’ end to understand why when it comes to fiction, a book that has a love story at its heart is often seen as being of lesser value than any other type of novel but I’m beginning to think there may be darker forces at work here and that the whole subject is a feminist issue.

Radio silence

Hello everyone, did you miss me? I'm sorry I've been off the radar for such a long time but I've been in Bridget's world, which may be an imaginary world for you, but to me, it needs to be a parallel universe that I nip in and out of on a regular basis until the... Continue Reading →

Lockdown breakout!

OK, I admit it, Lockdown has been good for writing but what it's been rubbish for is research. I can't tell you how fed up I am at trying to get squashed images on Google Maps to show me the terrain, the buildings or routes for my heroine to travel. So as soon as I... Continue Reading →

Only gone and won an award!

At 4pm on Monday, I was painting a kitchen wall Rectory Red. By 7.20, I was an award winning author. Fortunately, you'll be glad to know, I'd managed to change out of my paint-smeared clothes for the occasion. It was International Women's Day, and the day when I was so proud to be one of... Continue Reading →

‘I don’t want to win awards’ she said.

When I started to write 'Lily's War', I met a friend who is also an author. I very blithely stated that I just wanted to create a well-written page-turner.. nah, wasn't interested in awards. Well, apparently, I lied. I'm ridiculously delighted to say that 'Bobby's War' has been shortlisted in the RNA Romantic Novel of... Continue Reading →

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